okay, kita kembali lagi dengan topik hangat iaitu celcom. macam yang aku bagitau sebelum ni dekat entry ni . ok, macam yang kita tau kat malaysia ni ada dua jenis je iaitu postpaid n prepaid. hari ni aku nak terangkan dengan lebih lanjut pasal postpaid. biar semua orang paham dan jelas. x paham jugak, boleh tanya aku I WILL FOCUSED ON THE IMPORTANT CRITERIA: 1) billing cycle - what on earth is billing cycle. ok i will make u clear, billing cycle means when ur bill been closed every month. usually the date is 3, 7,13,23 n so on. u have to know the billling cycle coz its important to avoid ur call been barr. so, pls check ur bill. and make sure u paid ur bill before the next bill come out :) 2) barring/barred/barr - barr means u cannot make outgoing call n send sms. so, for postpaid customer they are been very particular and annoy if their phone been barr. they will easily been high tempered or sad or disppointed. please ya, ur acc will not been barr just like that. for sure, there is s...
biar badan kecik tapi hati kena besar
bestnya rasa dpt holiday nak2 kalau pegi main air.best..