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an unsatisfied customer towards Pos Laju

Dear all pos laju team,

Im Nur Murshidah Idris and in end of the OCTOBER month, i did post to my customer 2 casio watch at the same date (im sorry, i cant remember the exact date), UNFORTUNATELY one of my watch went missing.

After investigation, this is all POS LAJU fault and one of your team call me on 10/11/2012 En Shahrol Hazizie Shamsudin apologize for the incidents. Since En Shahrol promise to give rebate, i dont want to make this as big issue.

En Shahrol said the timeframe for the rebate request is 1 month (the longest) but i need to submit the compensation form. I did submit the compensation form at one of your branch at KL Central in the NOV month also. I also asked for RM200 for the compensation amount since it same value with the watch and also the postage fees and En Shahrol said OKAY.

After that, i received a call from one chinese lady who asked my account (i did give her maybank acc) in early DEC or end of NOV month. i thought after received call, i will receive the money but ITS NOT.

After long silence, i send one email again 4/1/2013 asked about my compensation and I did receive one email said my compensation JUST BEEN APPROVED. then, silence again.

After that, i send another email at  24/1/2013 asked the exact date of my rebate and the reply said, the rebate already been approved and already credited to my maybank acc amount RM104.65.

This is sooooooooo FUNNY since i have lost many things in this.
FIRSTLY : i have to take full responsibility toward my customer for the missing watch and not only that, her believe towards me also effected even though she know its not my fault but the LONG PERIOD for rebate make my cust PISSED OFF

SECOND : I have to bear with all the procedures (not mention before the watch been declared as missing)
 and also have to wait more than 2 months for the COMPENSATION

THIRD : I also lost here due to i have to replace the watch and posted o my customer but the compensation amount i received is less than that which is RM104.65




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