selamat malam u olls,
how's life? mine was sooo busy but still happy gile since rite now im at my sweet home (kampungku). seminggu aku kat kampung. kampung mestilah bestkan, sebab duit x keluar sesen pun, all fully sponsored by my future hubby (eh, tercakap, that one i will make one entry, tungguuuu yee) and of course my mama.
too many things to settle up here since we are celebrating 3 events. banyak kan, kesian mama dan abah aku yang sangat berpenat lelah dari pagi ke petang. tu belum campur dengan preparation. memang letih since mama hanya upah jiran-jiran je memasak.
yelah, walau simple ajak pun dalam 100++ orang tetap letiih sebab kena kemas rumah, ubah suai perabut, basuh membasuh periuk dan so on since pinjam dari orang. memang letih tapi happy since this is a happy celebration kan and also can meet up all family, friends and neighbours :)
mula-mula event ialah akikah my first niece and also the first grandchild of my family, oleh haji idris dan hajah nik norma...woott...woot. mama aku sayang gile kot kat cucu dia. next two event i will explain later okeh since i will make one new entry for that. bajet retis gila, kehkeh.
so, u olls layankan pics dulu ye:
mempersembahkan adam harith bin ahmad hilmi |
akikah 1 |
akikah 2 |
akikah 3 |
me n my untie |
mak cik iti |
mak cik muni |
one happy family, my bro's family
tahun lepas berdua, tahun ni bertiga |
makan-makan |
haji nik jusoh's family |
last but not least, makcik adam yang comel...hoho |
u know who :). thanks iskerk